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Antarctic Plant Ecophysiology Network invites to participate in the XVI version of the International Plant Ecophysiology Colloquium

With the purpose of allowing graduate students and young researchers to share their scientific advances and establish new collaborations, the invitation to the XVI version of the International Colloquium of Plant Ecophysiology is open.

The event will take place on January 18, 19 and 20, 2023 in the city of Puerto Montt, particularly in the Katalapi Park Nature Sanctuary. As usual, this year there will be presentations by outstanding researchers in Plant Ecophysiology from different countries: Adrienne Nicotra (ANU, Australia), Ileana Echevarría (CiCY, Mexico), Jaume Flexas (UIB, Spain) and Jeroni Galmés (UIB, Spain).

The program will consist of presentations given in English in the following modalities: lectures (30 min. presentation), mini lectures (20 min. presentation) and short communications (10 min. presentation).

The registration fee is $150,000 (Chilean pesos), which includes accommodation at Katalapi, and all meals from dinner on Wednesday 18 to lunch on Friday 20. In addition, it is possible to arrive earlier at Katalapi with prior reservation and an extra cost.

If you want more information or participate in the colloquium, please send your registration to leon.bravo@ufrontera.cl with the following information: title of the presentation, authors and affiliations, and type of presentation.